Don’t Be Discriminated Against!

You can stop overpaying right now!
You can save as much as 70% on your term life insurance!

We have the ability to get you non-smoker rates even if you aren’t clean of nicotine!

Compare these sample, 15-year-term, male, Standard Non-Smoker Monthly Rates!
Standard Rates, Women’s Rates Other Term Periods and Face Amounts available upon request!

Age $500,000 coverage $1,000,000 coverage $2,000,000 coverage
Nonsmoker Smoker Nonsmoker Smoker Nonsmoker Smoker
35 $52.07 $100.13 $90.78 $189.57 $176.22 $373.80
40 $62.30 $175.78 $112.14 $331.97 $218.94 $658.60
45 $88.11 $252.76 $170.88 $474.37 $336.42 $943.40
50 $133.06 $415.19 $243.86 $794.77 $482.38 $1,584.20
55 $204.70 $575.39 $372.02 $1,111.61 $738.70 $2,217.88
60 $311.95 $984.79 $600.75 $1,877.01 $1,196.16 $3,748.68
65 $576.72 $1,391.96 $1,049.31 $2.640.63 $2,093.28 $5,275.92
70* $1,359.19 $2,664.65 $2,703.11 $5,318.00 $5,390.95 $10,624.60

For those who test negative for nicotine at time of exam, there is the possibility for preferred rates if you meet all other guidelines.

Contact us now and start saving today!

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Date of Birth: / / (mm/dd/yyyy)
Promo Code: (No code? Use your zip)

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